782nd Squadron Crews
We are attempting to document all the crews of the 465th Bomb Group. This list will be organized by squadron. If we do not yet have your crew picture posted in this section we hope it will further encourage you to send one in. We also encourage you to write a crew history to accompany your picture. We have restructured the crew index to make it easier to follow, and to allow you to see both what we have and what we are missing.
Thank you for the enthusiastic response to this project, and we beg your patience as we catch up on the backlog of work.
Send a duplicate (not a Xerox) of your crew photo - with identifying captions - to:
Hughes Glantzberg
P.O. Box 926
Gunnison, CO 81230
Include a Self Addressed Stamped Photo
Mailer if you wish to have your photo returned. We would,
naturally, like to have a hardcopy on file for the archive, but we will
cheerfully return any photo you would like to have back.
You can also E-Mail a scanned photo to this address : Webmaster. E-Mail
for instructions, and to find out how large the image should be.
When submitting crew photos to the archive, please try to include the following information:
Any Crew Numbers You Remember Being Used: In some cases there may be more than one.
Specific Crew Positions: Because MOS numbers do not indicate gunner positions, please be as specific as noting even RIGHT and LEFT Waist when possible.
Nicknames: In most cases, we can pull full names and spelling from the database, so let us know what nicknames were earned within your crew.
Crew Training Information: Please supply us with your Training Crew Number and the Stateside base at which your crew was assembled.
Crew History Or Anecdotes: Give us the story of your crew and how you worked together in the air and on the ground.
Individual Aircraft With Which Your Crew Was Associated: After the loss of the original batch of H-Models, aircraft were not as closely associated with particular crews. However, if your crew became quite familiar with an individual ship let's get that into the record.