465th Bombardment Group (H)

780th 781st 465th Tail 782nd 783rd

780th Crews 781st Crews 782nd Crews 783rd Crews


Jack E. Knowles Jr., Pilot

Robert W. Ralph, Co-pilot

Edward J. Dowd, Navigator

David G. Reed, Bombardier

Harold Connolly, Engineer

Joseph F. W. Heinlein, Radio Operator/Waist Gunner

Donald H. Laughton, Tail Gunner

William J. Gregorich, Nose Gunner

Albert T. Paglia, Ball Turret Gunner

Kermit J. Pysher, Engineer/Gunner

Knowles crew

Courtesy of Sebastian Gregg

Standing L-R: William J. Gregorich (NG); David G. Reed, (B); Edward J. Dowd (N); Robert W. Ralph (CP); Jack E. Knowles Jr. (P)

Kneeling L-R: Donald H. Loughton (TG); Joseph F. W. Heinlein (RO/WG); Albert T. Paglia (BTG); ?????; ?????

Knowles crew

Courtesy of Sebastian Gregg

Standing L-R: Edward J. Dowd (N); William Gregorich (NG); Jack E. Knowles Jr. (P); David G. Reed (B); Robert W. Ralph (CP); Joseph F. W. Heinlein (RO/WG)

Kneeling L-R: Donald H. Loughton (TG); Albert T. Paglia (BTG); ?????; ?????

Jack Knowles

Courtesy of Sebastian Gregg

Jack E. Knowles, Jr. (P)

Jack Knowles

Courtesy of Sebastian Gregg

Jack E. Knowles, Jr. (P) on a motorcycle

David Reed

Courtesy of Sebastian Gregg

David G. Reed (B)

Dowd, Reed, Ralph

Courtesy of Sebastian Gregg

L-R: Edward J. Dowd (N); David G. Reed (B); Robert W. Ralph (CP)

Kermit Pysher

Courtesy of Sebastian Gregg

Kermit J. Pysher (E/G)

Pyshe & Zane

Courtesy of Sebastian Gregg

Kermit J. Pysher (E/G) with son, Zane

Bill Gregg

Courtesy of Sebastian Gregg

William J. Gregorich (NG)

Donald Loughton

Courtesy of Sebastian Gregg

Donald H. Loughton (TG)

Ground crew

Courtesy of Sebastian Gregg

Ground Crew

Raymond Yesseck, Cyril Hartman, Cordon Peouri (possible spelling mistake on that), Crew Chief?


Courtesy of Sebastian Gregg

Easter sunrise service at Pantanella